
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

being a grown up....

last saturday morning i woke up slowly, taking my time in greeting the day. i then turned to my roommate and said, "i think i will have cake and ice cream for breakfast." she replied with, "i will have cookies and ice cream." we then (still slowly) made our way to the kitchen to make our breakfast. then we plopped down on the couch and turned on a movie. as i took the first bite of my ice cream and cake breakfast i thought to myself, "i'm having cake and ice cream for breakfast. i didn't have to ask permission or sneak this....this is what it is to be a grown up."


  1. Hahaha you're so right. Seriously. I love being able to stay in bed all day on a Saturday watching a full season of House and never having to be accountable for it. Fantastic.

  2. Chelsea...thanks for sharing your wonderful day on your blog (this is my first visit!) It just brought tears to my eyes and I am so happy for you and Dominic!
